- Working in Chartreuse -

Sunday, September 26, 2004

One of my favorite feelings is....

I love walking around in the mornings when virtually nobody else is awake, and enjoying the cool-crispness of it leftover from the night, before the sun has really warmed up. It makes you feel like you're the only one in the world, and like that entire morning is just for you. It's so peaceful and lovely before the buses start rolling by, before the people start walking and talking and bustling around. Another wonderful feeling is walking through the rain in a city at night, with the smell of cigarettes through the rain, and the characteristic rainy, damp smell. I don't like smoking, but in the right circumstance, like smelling it in the rain makes it a really wonderful smell. I love the sort of detached-from-the-world sensation of those situations. It's like people-watching as the world goes by, with nobody paying any attention to you. You just sit and watch and really do nothing but observe the passers-by and wonder where they're going to, who they absolutely MUST see, and what's passing through their mind. Sitting or walking without paying any attention to the time is the most wonderful feeling in the world, because you truly live in the moment, and not for what the future holds. That's my favorite feeling in the whole world.


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