- Working in Chartreuse -

Monday, September 20, 2004

What is becoming of me?

Right now, I feel like I'm living in a detached dimension from my responsibilities, my interests, and myself. I know I have all this stuff to do, but I'm knitting and watching "Spaceballs" instead. I'm sleeping rather than studying, and I'm still groggy from a nap I took. I guess it's because I'm incredibly tired, have grocery-shopping to do, and have made two phone calls in quick succession which have proceeded to embarass their recipients, because it just so happened that I called at the precisely incorrect moment. In my detachment, I've been semi-conscious of the classes I attended, the papers I know I have to study, and the response paper I know I have to write. And the week from hell ticks closer and closer as every minute passes. Alright, what I need to do is pick up what my parents sent with Ana Laura, grab milk, fruit, and cheese from HEB with Carol (no way in HELL am I going alone on a bus in the afternoon) but I may put that off till tomorrow at an earlier time, when I know for sure there will be return buses to campus, and when I'm not feeling like a zombie. 7:00 bed-time, here I come!


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