- Working in Chartreuse -

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Dark-Sided Mirror

An image of peace
Alone in the rain
sits on the water-drenched steps
of the gymnasium across the street.
She holds her umbrella
as a torch-like tent,
Sipping her coffee as the world goes by.
Just waiting,
And smiling,
just watching,
and feeling
the rain's fingertips.
Waiting for a messagew
from someone she loves
The thunderclouds break
and the sunshine strokes
her cheek and the pale pink sky
She looks up now and then
from her notebook where
she's writing a poem about me.

What does she see?

An image of turmoil
surrounded by people
sits beneath a gloomy-dripping tree
across the street from me
she hides in her raincoat
A dreary costume
crying inside as the world goes by
Just looking
and sighing
just hating,
and crying
the rain's teardrops
watiting for the death-sentene
she knows will come.
The rain keeps pouring
vainly trying to cleanse her soul and the world.
She looks down now and then
to the notebook where
she's writing a poem about me.


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