- Working in Chartreuse -

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Back in the swing of things after being home for the weekend. I went to the Texas Memorial Museum on campus today with the lab. It was really interesting, because they had this 250 pound lovely quartz geode with an enormous amethyst in it. I was dumbfounded by it. They also had a collection of some of the most fascinating (and weirdest/scariest) beetles I'd ever seen. I mean, the scarab beetles from "The Mummy" may have been lethal, but their size was puny compared to this one horned beetle. There were also these beautiful colored beetles with iridescent shells/scales/outer coverings. If I can find a picture of them, I'll post it. Anyway, I guess I'll do some organizing of the mess that is my side of the room.... (so much for actually doing anything of value for the past few hours!)


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