- Working in Chartreuse -

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Does Anyone Watch the History Channel?

Well, this summer, my dad and I were talking about his book (the one he's writing now, Flight of the Dove) and he told me that one day, people will consider the downing of the KAL flight 007 plane an historical event. I told him that one day, something like the History Channel or A&E will want to interview him about it, considering he wrote a book, and that he's about the foremost expert on the case. Well, lo and behold, two days ago, my dad got a call from a TV station wanting to talk to him about a possible interview concerning the KAL Case. (Cha Ching! Who's psychic?!?! me? lol). Well, now that the History Channel has discovered he's not a nut, they're talking to him tonight about arranging a possible interview and stuff. So I'll update concerning the progress of it all, but whenever it comes out on the History Channel, EVERYONE MUST WATCH IT!!!!! They may be doing it for next summer, which would be the 22nd anniversary of the downing of the plane, but they may just hold it off until the 25th anniversary. It occurred at the end of August, 1983, so that would mean 2008 is the 25th anniversary. Although it doesn't get as much credit for almost leading the US into nuclear war with Russia as the Cuban Missile Crisis does, it apparently was the event that could have spawned the Cold War into an actual nuclear war. Fortunately, it didn't. But anyway, watch the documentary when it comes out, and it's so cool that my daddy is going to be interviewed by the History Channel!


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