- Working in Chartreuse -

Friday, October 01, 2004

Look Who's Back

The week from Hell has finished! That's the reason I've been dead to the world the past five days. You would not believe the amount of studying that I did. I think I did quite well on my Geology test, I got an A on one of two papers for my English class, I believe I did relatively "ok" on my Archaeology test, and I think I pretty much aced my Ancient Egypt Test. How's that for a week? Two tests in the same day, another that week, plus two papers? I'm just glad I survived. Add to that that I maxed my bandwidth on Wednesday, that basically made it impossible for me to post. But now it's all OK. I treated myself to Japanese food, ice cream, and a giant 3'x5' poster of Middle Earth. This weekend I'm just going to do the readings I need to do for classes, maybe get ahead, but mainly I'm just going to relax and roleplay for Harry Potter, and enjoy the Geology field trip I'm going on on Sunday. But anyway, I'm back: alive and kickin'. Tata!


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