- Working in Chartreuse -

Friday, October 08, 2004

Bandwith Recovery!

Yay! I have bandwidth now!!!! I sorta, um, used it all up on Wednesday, so I wasn't able to update at all with my dial-up like slowness, but now that Friday the recovery day has arrived, I can move at lightning speeds! Whee! Anyway, yesterday was really fun, because I hung out with Laura for quite a bit of time. We went out to lunch to the Kismet Cafe, where we ate Middle-Eastern food (yum!) and chatted about our lives, interests, pursuits of happiness, etc. She's really cool and a great person to hang around. I really think we've got a great chance at staying friends. Anyway, she invited me to go with her and her roommate Angela to the Texas Union's showing of "Napoleon Dynamite." Needless to say, there was a line a mile long an hour before showing. So we waited, we advanced, and then two bounding guys yelled out "The theatre's full! No more seats!" We stood in disbelief, then decided to quench our depression with Wendy's. And we basically sat and chatted for two hours over fries and frosties. We talked of Harry Potter, hot guys, and why white-asian children are so beautiful. So there you go. And only yesterday I also discovered that I have a mid-term in my Geo Lab on Tuesday. I thought it was a week from tuesday, but NOOOOO... It's on THIS tuesday. That means that I have to study soooo much over this weekend. It's really no fair that our TA mislabeled all the dates for class on the syllabus. Also, tonight I'm going to see "Bodas de Sangre" ("Blood Wedding") with Irvine. Considering the huge deal that was made about it in Spanish class the past few years, I figured I needed to see it. So yea... and Carol is actually going to stay here this weekend! I'm very surprised, but also very glad, because she hasn't actually spent the weekend here since.... ever. Indeed. G'day.


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