- Working in Chartreuse -

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

A Wedding Story

Well, I was thinking about life, the universe, and everything (not necessarily in that order), and simultaneously was watching "A Wedding Story" on TLC with Carol, when I got to thinking about something in the category of "life." I thought about what would happen when/if/how I got married. I was thinking about the dress I would wear (I have yet to figure that one out), the man I would marry (I have yet to figure that one out as well), and the place I would get married at (El Escorial, in Spain, where my parents got married). I wonder what it would be like... to give yourself and your life over to share with another person. I would probably break down and cry as I walked down the aisle with my dad, because I can imagine the look of sadness of letting me go and pride at seeing me all grown up and stuff on his face, and I can imagine my mom helping me get ready and everything. Ah! I'm getting all mushy and future-oriented. I want a fun wedding though, something a little unexpected but still classy and elegant. Laura was telling me how when she and Higley (her fiance/boyfriend fellow) get married in 2 years, they're going to include little bits of history here and there to make it exciting, since she and he are both history nuts. I guess the thing I'm most concerned about though is the WHO of the entire marriage question. And that question is the most important.


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