- Working in Chartreuse -

Monday, October 11, 2004

Ah... Procrastination!

Yea Verily... I beith in the realm of procrastination. It sucketh. For here I be, reveling in the glories of yarn and knitting needles, and unabridged Lord of the Rings audiobooks, and yet I have my Geology Midterm tomorrow. Not to mention I have an overabundance of fruit that my mom sent me on saturday. Yum! I feel like some French Onion soup, but I've already eaten enough. I need to really invest in some good yarn. You know, I may just take some Business classes and decide to open a knitting cafe or soemthing having to do with tea and yarn after I graduate. I would like that. Very much in fact. But here I go, memorizing the minerals on the Mohs Hardness Scale: Talc, Gypsum, Calcite, Fluorite, Apatite, Feldspar, Quartz, Topaz, Corundum, Diamond... WHEEE... now how the F*** do I identify those damn minerals? Beats the heck out of me. At least I know it's Evil Incarcerated. ahem... Evil Incarnated... lol, what was I thinking in reciting what those two girls sitting behind me in Archaeology were bitching about... ok, lemme 'splain. There were two chit-chatting girls behind me in my Archeology class today. They were talking about someone they hated, and they were like, "Ugh... so-and-so is Evil Incarcerated." I burst out laughing. It's almost as good as having someone perform the Heimlich Remover on you.... lol.... ask me later, for yea, verily: I must study.


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