- Working in Chartreuse -

Friday, April 08, 2005

Just like a Movie

People-watching is such a great pastime. It's how Freud did much of his research, it's a way to figure out trends, observe the amazing differences among people, or, if you're me, to get ideas for crafty projects and, like Freud, observe people's behavior. Or how many of them are sporting the little white buds of glory.

One thing that made my morning particularly special was when I saw a couple parting ways as I walked to class. They kissed each other goodbye, and as they turned to go their separate ways, she turned back to look at him, but he was moving away. Then he turned to look at her after she'd gone back to face where she was walking, and then she turned a second time, but he entered a building as she did so. It was like a scene from a movie, impeccably timed, and an obvious expression of love. It was adorable. It really does make you believe that love, and above all, even fairy-tale or cinema love, is very possible, and that love actually is all around.


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