- Working in Chartreuse -

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Another Weekend with Chimpanzees!

Actually, in some weird way the title is true. In all actuality, though, it refers to a Barenaked Ladies song "Another Postcard (Chimpanzees)" which is very funny. Listen to it if you get the chance. I spent the night yesterday at Laura's apartment because Carol decided to leave (again, surprise surprise) for the weekend. So we stayed up watching "101 Embarassing Sexual Accidents" and then this morning watched a terribly tacky horror movie called "Castle Freak." (Laura's boyfriend/fiancee, known as Higley brought it.) So now I sit, trying to get myself motivated enough to start my homework and perhaps get ahead for next week, which is unlikely but possible. Have a great weekend (or what's left of it).


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