- Working in Chartreuse -

Monday, November 29, 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen, the "po-po" Has Hit The Fan!!!!

It's 10:00 p.m. I have a final exam in my Geo lab tomorrow in 10 hours. I have yet to read quite a bit of "Riverdance" material before 3:30 p.m. tomorrow. At 7 today, I saw "The Matchmaker" for class, and right now I'm writing a response on the forum. When I'm done with that I have to memorize topographical features and hydrogeology. However, this is THE LAST WEEK OF CLASSES!!!!! Other Good Things:
1. Laura is back! (She's one of the coolest people I know)
2. No more Geology Labs as of 10 am tomorrow
3. I found out about a great band I didn't know existed from Irvine's sister, Sarah (it's Dispatch)
4. There is a spiffy bus route to the Hill Country Weavers
5. My Archaeology professor continued his completely SUBJECTIVE analysis of the Aztec and Spanish and their interaction (which is much more than I can say of many more OBJECTIVE professors of Anthropology/Sociology/etc.)
6. I saw Voldie wearing nylon "swooshy" pants that look like this except in black, and they even had the little stretchy cuff at the bottom. Also, I heard him muttering to himself in his nasally voice.

Now I should go back to frying my brain with completely unnecessary (to an English Major) information. And I smell something burning... I hope it's not something serious, like hair.


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