- Working in Chartreuse -

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

It's quite amazing. After seeing "The Village" I feel as though I've seen it or something like it before. Especially the whole "abandoned shed" deal. I can't remember or place where exactly it was, but I know i've seen something incredibly like it. Oh well. For those who have seen it, odd movie, yeah? For those who haven't, see it simply for the "what if's and why's" it provokes. Otherwise, don't really bother. It's not a spectacular "WOW!" blockbuster or anything. I found it interesting, from a historical perspective (as in, reproduction of attire and lifestyle, etc), and it is quite suspenseful at parts. I liked the music in it best. Well, I must go now to pick up my mommy and siblings from the airport. They get back from Spain tonight.


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