- Working in Chartreuse -

Sunday, August 01, 2004

A Greeting to Wanderers


Welcome to Chartreuse Sky, where the bright and beautiful converge (colors, of course!). My name is Annemarie, and this is my Blog.

I have been wanting to start a fully functional, actually useful and regularly updated blog for some time, but like a lot of my own journals, they get about 3/16ths of the way done, and then lie idle for 13/16ths of the year. All that is about to change. Because it is a new month, and I will be starting university in the span of 25 days, I figure, what better way to celebrate than with the ever-popular "school-year resolution" to actually accomplish what I know I want to and should. So, in celebration, I welcome you to my mind and what passes through it.


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