- Working in Chartreuse -

Sunday, August 01, 2004


I just read the blog about a 19 year old girl who met a guy online, went to the UK to meet him, and then MARRIED HIM!!!!!! Oh, did I mention the guy is 36? That's a 17 year age difference! That's Dolly and James Madison age difference (Yes, our 4th president of the US)! I mean, I want to move to the UK SOOOOOOOO badly (because I am in love with the British Isles) but.... that's like me marrying in 2 years! CRAZY! Well, I mean, it's admirable that she took that leap of faith, but that's just crazy. I know I probably couldn't do that. Kudos to her for finding love, though, and at such a young age. Oh, and by the way, her blog is here.


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