- Working in Chartreuse -

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Chronicle of an Eventful Day

As the title suggests, today was quite busy. As soon as I went to St. Joe to pick up Johnny and Paloma, I made the rounds to see most of the teachers. I said hi to Mr. Hickson, Mr. Gamez, Mr. Lerma and Ms. Davila. I was hoping to see Mrs. Prock so I could let her know I made a 5 on the AP English exam (not even Helen did that well, tee hee). I also said hi to a million little sophomores (now juniors... AHHH!). Oh well. Afterwards, we went over to the Ramirez's house for some sandwiches. We then saw the Princess Diaries. It was an amazing little kid movie and chick flick, but I am such a sucker for movies like that with happy endings. (You should see me devour all those gossip magazines my mom brings back from Spain. They have EVERYTHING you'd ever or never want to know about every single royal family in Europe). I also am a sucker for royalty, haute couture, and elegance. Roll that into a movie (minus a few of the etiquette rules that would never be broken in real life) and you get the Princess Diaries. And plus, Chris Pine is SEEEXY! He just needs a British accent for me to marry him. Just Kiddin'.

After the movie, we ordered pizza, and then I was introduced to a store I had seen a bajillion times before, but had never actually visited: Tuesday Morning. They've got really cute, mid-range quality goods for pretty cheap. I saw a little "tea for one" set like the one Mommy bought me at Target, but painted. This one was about 3 dollars more, so I'm inspired to maybe stencil the one I have in acrylic or something cute. They had really cute leatherbound journals, lots of classical cd's (and cheap! yay!), pretty candles, and fabulous (not very expensive) teas. They're also next to Goodwill, Big Lots!, and the Dollar Store, so I can maybe pick up some interesting things for cheap. I'm also inspired to visit Downtown and the indoor flea market on Boca Chica. This weekend, we're going with Anna and Gaby and their mom to Nikkori in Matamoros to officially celebrate Anna's birthday. Maybe we could go to the flea market, too. I'll probably see if I can go on Sunday, too.


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